白丝 自慰 硕导信息
发布日期:2024-10-08 13:22 点击次数:169第一作家及通信作家论文(部分)
1. Xie Linping, Wang Baodong*, Xin Ming, Wang Ying, Sun Xia, Wei Qinsheng, Liu Lin, and Yuan Chao. 2023. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of hypoxic zone in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean. Journal of Ocean University of China 22(4):918-929
2. Ming Xin, Xia Sun, Lin-Ping Xie and Bao-Dong Wang*. 2023. A historical overview of water quality in the coastal seas of China. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1203232. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1203232
3. Shi-Mei Liang, Xing Zhai, Cheng-Xuan Li*, Ming Xin, Ping Sun, Xuan-Li Liu, Lin Liu and Bao-Dong Wang*. 2023. Distribution and physical–biological controls of dimethylsulfide in the western tropical Indian Ocean during winter monsoon. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1100678.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1100678
4. Xuan-Li Liu, Cheng-Xuan Li*, Xing Zhai, Xia Sun, Kan Chen, Lu Liu, Bao-Dong Wang*. 2023. Spatial distributions and environmentally-mediated factors of dimethylsulfoxide off the northern Antarctic Peninsula in summer. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196:115632
5. Wei Q*, Yuan Y, Song S, Zhao Y, Sun J, Li C and Wang B*. 2022. Spatial variability of hypoxia and coupled physical-biogeochemical controls off the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary in summer. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:987368. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.987368
6. Wei, Q.*, Yao, P., Xu, B., Zhao, B., Ran, X., Zhao, Y., Sun, J., Wang, B.*, and Yu, Z. 2021. Coastal upwelling combined with the river plume regulates hypoxia in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent inner East China Sea shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017740.
7. Linping Xie, Hanyue Xu, Ming Xin, Baodong Wang* et al. 2021. Regime shifts in trophic status and regional nutrient criteria for the Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 170:112674
8. Yujue Wang, Dongyan Liu*, Wupeng Xiao, Peng Zhou, Chongguo Tian, Chuansong Zhang, Jinzhou Du, Hao Guo*, Baodong Wang*. 2021. Coastal eutrophication in China: Trend, sources, and ecological effects. Harmful Algae 107(7):102058
9. Linping Xie, Baodong Wang*, Ming Xin et al. 2020. Impacts of coppicing on Tamarix chinensis growth and carbon stocks in coastal wetlands in northern China. Ecological Engineering 147:105760
10. Chengxuan Li, Kan Chen, Xia Sun, Baodong Wang*, Gui-peng Yang*, Yan Li, Lu Liu. 2020. Occurrence, distribution, and sea-air fluxes of volatile halocarbons in the upper ocean off the northern Antarctic Peninsula in summer. Science of The Total Environment 758:143947
11. Linping Xie, Baodong Wang*, Ming Xin et al. 2019. Characteristics of vegetation carbon, nitrogen, and C/N ratio in a Tamarix chinensis coastal wetland of China. CLEAN - Soil Air Water 47(9):1800452
12. Ming Xin, Baodong Wang*, Linping Xie et al. 2019. Long-term changes in nutrient regimes and their ecological effects in the Bohai Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 146:562-573.
13. Chengxuan Li, Baodong Wang*, Zicheng Wang et al. 2019. Spatial and interannual variability in distributions and cycling of summer biogenic sulfur in the Bering Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 46(2):4816–4825
14. Linping Xie, Baodong Wang*, Xinming Pu et al. 2019. Hydrochemical properties and chemocline of the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea. Science of The Total Environment 649:1281-1292
15. Baodong Wang*, Ming Xin, Qinsheng Wei, Linping Xie. 2018. A historical overview of coastal eutrophication in the China Seas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 136:394-400
16. Chengxuan Li, Baodong Wang*, Guipeng Yang, et al. 2017. Occurrence and turnover of biogenic sulfur in the Bering Sea during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (1-2). 10.1002/2017JC013299
17. Baodong Wang, Ming Xin, Xia Sun, Qinsheng Wei, Xuelei Zhang. 2016. Does reduced sediment load contribute to increased outbreaks of harmful algal blooms off the Changjiang Estuary? Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(8): 16-21
18. Xiuping He, Baodong Wang*, Linping Xie, et al. 2016. Effects of Tamarisk shrub on physicochemical properties of soil in coastal wetland of the Bohai Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(5): 106-112
19. Ming Xin, Deyi Ma, Baodong Wang*. 2015. Chemicohydrographic characteristics of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(6): 5-11
20. Xudong Qiao, Baodong Wang*, Xia Sun, Shengkang Liang. 2014. Numerical simulation of nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in Guangxi coastal bays, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 13 (2): 338-346
21. Baodong Wang, Qinsheng Wei, Jianfang Chen, Linping Xie, Annual cycle of hypoxia off the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, Marine Environmental Research, 2012, 77(10): 1-5
22. Baodong Wang, Zongling Wang. 2011. Long-term Variations in Chlorophyll a and Primary Productivity in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Journal of Marine Biology, 2011:1-6
23. Wang, B. 2009. Hydromorphological mechanisms leading to hypoxia off the Changjiang Estuary. Marine Environmental Research, 67: 53-58
24. Wang, B., Brockmann, U. 2008. Potential impacts of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecosystem of the East China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(1):67-76
25. Wang, X., Wang, B.* 2008. Nutrient composition and distributions in coastal waters impacted by the Changjiang plume. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(5):111-125
26. Wang, B., 2007. Assessment of trophic status in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary. Chinese J. Oceanol. Limnol., 25(3):261-269
27. Wang, B., 2007. Chemical hydrography of the coastal upwelling in the East China Sea. Chinese J. Oceanol. Limnol., 25(1): 16-26
28. Wang, B., 2006. Cultural eutrophication in the Yangtze River plume: history and perspective. Estuarine白丝 自慰, Coastal and Shelf Science, 69: 471-477
29. Wang, B., Chen, A., 2006. Impact of the exceptionally high flood from the Changjiang in the summer of 1998 on the aquatic chemical distributions of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea shelves. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 25(4):43-52
30. Wang, B., Brockmann, U., 2005. On the deduction of equations for the determination of anthropogenic influence for assessment of estuarine trophic status. Ecological Modelling, 185: 545-548
31. Wang, B., Tu, J., 2005. Biogeochemistry of nutrient elements in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary. Marine Science Bulletin, 7(2):72-79
伦理片在线观看影院麒麟32. Wang, B., Wang, X., Zhan, R., 2003. Nutrient condition in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 58: 27-136
33. Wang, B., Shan, B., Zhan, R. 2003. Improvement of the one-dimensional vertical advection-diffusion model in seawater. Chinese J. Oceanol. Limnol, 21(1):34-39
34. Wang, B., Zhan, R., 2003. Molar ratios of C, N, P of particulate matter and their vertical fluxes in the Yellow Sea. Chinese J. Oceanol. Limnol, 20(1):91-96
35. 郭 富,王保栋*,辛 明,张文全,厉丞烜,谢琳萍,孙 霞. 2017. 2015年春、夏令莱州湾养分盐散播特征. 海洋科学弘扬,35(2): 258~266
36. 谢琳萍,王保栋*,辛明,何秀平,孙霞. 2016. 渤海近岸水体有色融化有机物的光收受特征终点散播. 海洋科学弘扬,34(1): 58~69
37. 王子成,王保栋*,辛明,孙霞,韦钦胜,杨波. 2015. 三峡水库肤浅蓄水后长江口海域养分盐散播与结构变化,海洋科学弘扬,33(1): 100-106
38. 辛明,王保栋*,马德毅. 2013. 黄海纵断面的化学水文特征,海洋科学弘扬,31(3): 377~390
39. 辛明,马德毅,王保栋*,韦钦胜,孙霞,谢琳萍. 2013. 黄海融化氧的平面散播特征终点季节变化,中国海洋大学学报(当然科学版),43(7): 56~60
40. 谢琳萍,孙霞,王保栋*,辛明. 2012. 渤黄海养分盐结构终点潜在抑遏作用的时空散播,海洋科学,36(9): 45~53
41. 谢琳萍,王宗灵,王保栋*,孙霞,孙丕喜. 2010. 春季南黄海融化有机碳的散播特征终点受控身分,海洋环境科学,29(5): 636~640
42. 王保栋,韩彬. 2009. 近岸生态环境质料空洞评价设施终点期骗. 海洋科学弘扬,27(3): 400-404
43. 屠建波,王保栋*. 2006. 长江口终点附进海域富养分化景色评价,海洋科学弘扬,24(4): 532~538
44. 王保栋. 2003. 黄海和东海养分盐散播终点对浮游植物的抑遏. 期骗生态学报,14(7): 1122~1126
45. 王保栋,陈爱萍,刘峰. 2003. 海洋中Redfield比值的说合. 海洋科学弘扬, 21(2): 232-235
46. 王保栋,战闰,藏家业. 2002. 长江口终点附进海域养分盐的散播特征和输 送路线. 海洋学报,24(1):53-58
47. 王保栋,单宝田,战闰,藏家业. 2002. 黄、渤海无机氮的进出模式初探. 海洋科学,26(2): 33~36
48. 王保栋,陈爱萍,刘峰. 2002. 1998年夏令长江特大急流入海的化学水体裁 特征. 海洋科学弘扬,20(3):44-51
49. 王保栋,刘峰,战闰. 2002. 河口悬浮粒子Stern电位的测定设施. 黄渤海海洋,18(2):73-78
50. 王保栋, 刘峰,战闰. 2001. 黄海生源要素的生物地球化学说合驳倒. 黄渤海海洋,19(3): 99-106
51. 王保栋. 2000. 黄海冷水域生源要素的变化特征及互关系系. 海洋学报(中语版),22(6): 47-54
52. 王保栋,王桂云,郑昌洙,梁东范. 1999. 南黄海冬季生源要素的散播特征.黄渤海海洋,17(1): 41-46
53. 王保栋,王桂云,郑昌洙,梁东范. 1999. 南黄海养分盐的平面散播及横向输运. 海洋学报(中语版),21(6): 124-129
54. 王保栋. 1999. 南黄海养分盐的垂直散播特点终点垂向输运轨则. 海洋环境科学,18(1): 13-18
55. 王保栋,王桂云,郑昌洙, 梁东范. 1999. 南黄海融化氧的垂直散播特点. 海洋学报,21(4):72-77
56. 王保栋. 1998. 长江冲淡水的延迟终点养分盐的输运.黄渤海海洋,16(2): 42-48
57. 王保栋. 1997. 黄海融化氧垂直散播最大值的成因. 黄渤海海洋学报,15(3): 10-15
58. 王保栋. 1991. 自然水体中悬浮粒子名义电荷的说合. 黄渤海海洋,9(4): 58-64
59. 王保栋,张正斌,刘莲生,郑士淮. 1990. 自然水体中悬浮颗粒物电泳性质 的说合I. 海洋学报,12(1):31-37
60. 王保栋,刘莲生,郑士淮, 张正斌. 1990. 自然水体中悬浮颗粒物电泳性质 的说合III. 海洋学报,12(4):441-446
1. 2018.08-2021.12 科技部重心研发规画名堂:“渤海入海稠浊源解析与水质盘算推算管控要津技能说合与示范”之课题3“渤海主要稠浊物环境基准说合与生态风险评价(2018YFC1407603)”,414万元,主执。
2. 2016.01-2019.12 国度当然科学基金面上名堂:长江入海泥沙减少对长江口海域无益藻华的影响(41576084),82万元,主执。
3. 2001/01-2003/12 国度当然科学基金面上名堂:黄海冷水团中氮轮回能源学模式(40076022),20万元,主执。
4. 2013.01-2016.12 环球变化与海气互相作用专项之说合名堂:景色变化对大洋表层养分盐供给的影响(GASI-03-01-02-01),260万元,主执。
5. 2013.01-2022.12 环球变化与海气互相作用专项之拜谒名堂:印度洋水体海欧化学拜谒,1660万元,主执。
6. 2012.01-2015.12 海洋公益性科研专项名堂:滨海湿地固碳智力栽植技能及期骗示范(201205008),1093万元,主执。
7. 2022.01-2026.12 国度当然科学基金重心名堂:渤海浮游植物群落结构改变的养分盐作用机制说合(42130403),290万元,配合单元名堂认真东谈主
8. 2018.08-2021.12 国度基金委-山东省麇集基金重心名堂:山东近海入海稠浊物步履经由与环境效应(U1706217),280万元,配合单元名堂认真东谈主。
9. 2012.01-2012.12 中海油名堂:蓬莱19-3油田海洋环境质料近况拜谒与评价,主执。
10. 2010.01-2014.12 “973”名堂:紧要水利工程影响下长江口环境与生态安全(2010CB429004),180万元,子课题认真东谈主。
11. 2010.01-2012.12 国度科技撑执规画名堂:渤海水交换与环境容量评价技能说合(2010BAC69B01),954万元,子课题认真东谈主。
12. 2006.01-2011.12 “908名堂”:广西近海生态与环境质料空洞评价(GX908-02-06),70万元,主执。
13. 2005.01-2010.12 “908名堂”:广西近海生物/生态和化学拜谒说合(GX908-01-01),270万元,主执。
14. 2002.01-2006.12 “973”名堂:东海赤潮多发区垂危养分物资构成、花式、时空散播和范围交换通量(2001CB409703),42万元,子课题认真东谈主。
15. 1999.01-2000.12 国度海洋局后生基金名堂:黄海冷水团中养分元素的生物地球化学轮回(98501),2万元,主执。
16. 1998.01-2001.12国度当然科学基金重心名堂:黄海氮、磷时空散播说合(49736190 ),200万元,子课题认真东谈主。
17. 1997.01-2001.12“126”名堂:黄、东海养分盐季节变化和物理输运轨则说合(HY126-04-02-04),35万元,副主执。
18. 1997.01-2001.12 “126”名堂:黄东海海欧化学环境补充拜谒(HY126-04-02-01),76万元,副主执。
19. 1996.01-1999.12海外配合名堂:中韩黄海水轮回及物资通量配合说合,260万元,副主执。
20. 1993.01-19941.12山东省当然科学基金名堂:河口悬浮粒子名义电位测定设施说合(92E0659),2.5万元,主执。